Call To Action – Maui Brewing Need Your Help . . . AGAIN!
Aloha all,
I’m sorry to ask for your aid again in such a short period of time. In case you didn’t get our last message, due to the huge support you all contributed we have so far been successful in raising production limits. We have a few more steps to go but the general feeling is that it will pass; this will allow us to bring you more beer!
Now I have to ask for your testimony once again. We are battling a bill being proposed to increase the taxes on alcohol in Hawaii. Basically the increase on our already exorbitant tax rate will equate to more than a dollar per six-pack increase to the consumer.
Currently Hawaii has the second highest tax rate in the country. See for tax rates. If you wouldn’t mind submitting testimony it would be a great help. Please get it in by the end of the day Monday. I will be in Oahu to testify at 9:30 on Tuesday morning! Please help! Pass this along to all your friends as this bill affects us all! A liquor tax increase means higher prices on beer, wine, and spirits!
Sample testimony and instructions are below. Please use this as a guideline for your testimony. It would help if you could put your personal touch on what your feelings on the matter are.
Mahalo for your support,
Garrett W. Marrero
In the subject line please type this (or similar): STRONG OPPOSITION TO HB2850
Email to: [email protected]
To Whom it May Concern:
I am writing today to urge you to vote against the passage of the HB2850, Relating to the Liquor Tax Increase. This bill will have an extremely negative impact on Hawaii’s brewing business as well as distributors and consumers. These are businesses that draw tourists to the islands and greatly benefit the State, creating more jobs and a stronger economy.
Although the State is facing severe financial troubles, careful consideration must be given to the fact that the very existence of the businesses affected by such a tax increase is in danger. The consequences will certainly outweigh the additional revenues expected by such an increase. If these businesses are choked by such an additional financial burden, there may soon be no businesses to tax. This tax will simply increase the costs to consumers at a time when taxpayers cannot afford such increases. The proposed increase in tax will add more than a dollar per six-pack of beer to the cost for the consumer. Further, I believe this will result in a decrease in sales rather than an increase in tax revenue and a loss of countless jobs within the State.
Please stop the beer tax increase and please consider providing a tax break similar to the Federal Small Brewers Tax Exemption for all beer produced in Hawaii. Twelve other states offer exemptions; with the decline in Hawaiian breweries over the last ten years it only makes good sense Hawaii should have one too. Its good for business and good for Hawaii.
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