Bell’s Brewery Possibly Being Sold?
Just found an interesting article and interview with Larry Bell and family at M Live, in which the topic of selling the brewery is talked about.
About $22 million has been spent on the brewhouse and renovating the Eccentric Cafe in downtown Kalamazoo, but the rest of the project is on hold as the company tries to save money in an attempt to buy out 11 of the 14 shareholders, Bell said.
Bell, 53, and his two children, Laura and David, own a majority of the company’s shares, which total 60,000, according to Michigan’s Department Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. He said his goal is to pass Bell’s Brewery Inc. on to the next generation, but he hasn’t ruled out selling their shares if a resolution cannot be reached.
Click here to read the entire interview.
April 29, 2012 @ 11:06 am