Alpine Beer Company Announces Delay in Exponential Hoppiness
From Alpine’s newly redesigned website, news of the pending release of Exponential Hoppiness.
It is with a heavy heart I am here to tell you of a delay in the release date of “Exponential Hoppiness.” The release must be pushed back because the cold weather slowed down the activity of the yeast. So, keeping with our mantra of “no beer will be released before it’s time,” we foresee a release sometime in the week of February 12th through the 15th. An exact date and time will not be announced due to the issues of parking, traffic congestion, angry next-door business owners and overcrowding. Please remember there will not be any growlers sold and there will be a 4 bottle limit per person per day, no exceptions. Sorry, it will not be around during Super Bowl Festivities.