Alcatraz Brewing of Orange Closes Its Doors W/ Commentary
The Full Pint just learned via Alcatraz Brewing’s Facebook page that they have officially closed their business as of yesterday, September 22, 2013.
“On behalf of the Alcatraz Brewing Company team, we regret to announce that yesterday, September 22, was our last day of operations. After more than a decade of happily serving the community, we are closing our doors. We thank all our loyal customers for supporting our passion for creating award-winning, handcrafted beer. It has been a privilege to serve you.”
I am embarrassed to say that I had not heard of this brewpub until today, and I am an avid fan of the Orange County craft beer scene. After sifting through the comments on their facebook page, it appears this company had been struggling to stay afloat and had made attempts to rejuvenate the brand for years now.
What struck me as odd was this place is a San Francisco themed restaurant in the Anaheim area, using the name Alcatraz, a infamous federal prison. Not very appealing if you ask me. Our heart goes out to the loyal local fans of this place, luckily there are many great options in Orange County California for craft beer.
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February 20, 2018 @ 7:24 pm
helped open the restaurant in orange, back in 1998, we opened the doors around or before Thanksgiving that year. In or at the end of 2004, the corporation that owned us, sold that “arm” of their business to another company. In September 2005, the new “kitchen manager” cut my hours in half, kept me that way until early February 2006, when i could no longer tolerate the “B.S.”, I put in for unemployment, and was DENIED,…………glad they are closed, we had a great crew from 1998-2004, but greed and the wish to get rid of all the original staff, bit them in the ass…………..who says KARMA doesn’t work?
September 23, 2013 @ 11:55 am
maybe somebody should move everything to that empty place on Bay Street near the fish wharf in San Francisco for 2.o.
September 23, 2013 @ 11:57 am
But rename it to New Port Beach Brewing perhaps?