21st Amendment Lower De Boom
From 21st Amendment – Deep, mahogany color, rich malt candied, rock sugar flavors with sweet burnt currant and fig aromas. It’s strong alcohol content is tempered by a clean bitterness and complex flavors. This Barley Wine is named for Cornelius de Boom, the San Francisco Belgian Consulate General (1850 to 1851) and surprisingly the name of the alley along-side the 21st Amendment on 2nd Street.
21st Amendment – 21st Amendment Lower De Boom Barleywine – 8 oz can poured into a goblet. 11.5% abv.
Appearance: Pours a clear bronze no head.
Aroma: Alcohol, hops, peach. Toffee.
Taste: Alcohol, peach, bright hops.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, astringent.
Overall: I was not a fan of this. The can and serving size was brilliant. The beer was too alcoholic and astringent with not enough sweetness to balance it out. It is getting decent marks on Ratebeer.com, so it’s my own preference.