New Brew Thursday : CBC 2012 with Stone Brewing Co’s Greg Koch & Iron Fist Brewing Co’s Brandon Sieminski
This week we’re in San Diego for the Craft Brewer’s Conference, so we took some time to sit with Greg Koch from Stone Brewing Company, and Brandon Sieminski from Iron Fist Brewing Company to talk about what they will take from the CBC back to their brewhouse’s.
We enjoy this discussion of the CBC from the larger brewery vs smaller brewery perspective while enjoy a traditional favorite from San Diego, Stone’s Pale Ale.
This year , the CBC also hosted the World Beer Cup, so we also take a few minutes to talk with Luke Nicholas, the “god of Epic”, to get an idea of the judging process in the World Cup and how all that works.
Stephen is clearly hung over, Matt can’t nail down his grammar, Brandon refuses to woo, and Greg’s in a kilt!
NBT Merchandise!
Yes, we FINALLY have some merchandise that we are selling. Support the show, and show your love of craft beer!
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May 13, 2012 @ 1:52 pm
Stone brewery has not won any World Beer Cup medals in the last two WBC competitions. Why would you guys seek them out and not the real winners in the local scene? When was Stone’s last time they won at the WBC? The craft beer scene is getting bigger and better and then cant seem to keep up. I say they are resting on their past awards (2004?). Little embarrassing for Stone. They may be the biggest but they are not the best anymore Lets start recognizing the real winners that keep winning year after year.