Review – Magic Hat Brewing Co. Lucky Kat IPA
Magic Hat Brewing Company Lucky Kat IPA
5.8% abv
Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into a glass beer mug.
Slightly reddish-copper color with shades of old rust haze throughout. Very little head but lots of lace left in the mug.
Quite spicy with some noticeable citrus fruit notes. Smells pretty hoppy with essences of evergreen.
This beer surprisingly has a very light profile and is very easy to drink. It tastes of scrumptious Amarillo hops but is not too hoppy. The bitterness is balanced beautifully with the sweetness of the malts.
Resin and a tad bit oily from the hops. This beer made my lips very sticky and wet for a while after drinking the entire mug.
I found this light IPA to be quite delicious. The balance of sweet and bitter is right on the money and yet the hops are not overpowering. After it warmed up a little, it was a bit more complex and I could pick out the different malts that were used. They blended together so well in an intriguing way. After finishing this beer I was ready for another, and another, and…well, you get the idea.