The Bruery Black Tuesday Release – Crazier Than Expected
In my mind, I thought The Bruery’s Black Tuesday release would go down like this: No more than 50-100 beer nerds standing in a business parkway, and it would have been this quaint little gathering.
As I arrived with my date Nancy, from Portland, ME (my newborn’s Godmother), we were surprised to see a line of about 200 standing in the middle of the business park The Bruery resides in. So much for The Bruery’s request not to show up until 4:30 PM I thought! As we stood in line, we heard many of the same conversations conducted; “wonder if everyone will get a bottle”,”can’t wait to try Chocolate Rain” and the like.
After the line started getting more ridiculous, staff members of the Bruery had us wind the line around the back of their facility. The madness didn’t end there unfortunately. Folks by the dozens kept showing up. It was unreal to see people coming in droves for a beer that virtually nobody has tried, and at the price point of $30.00, I would have bet many people would have been deterred from even bothering. As time went on, I was getting antsy standing in line, and thought it was bad hosting having my dear friend stand in line in a cold stinky business park with me during dusk. All of a sudden, my Black Berry went off. Patrick Rue, founder and CEO of The Bruery messaged me to meet up for our planned pre-game interview. He also told me to bring my date as well. Little did I know, after our quick interview Patrick would let my date and I would be asked to stay put AT THE FRONT OF THE LINE. Hey, while us boys at don’t collect a pay check, some of these cool moments make it totally worth it.
We entered in, purchased our bottles, and got our Black Tuesday flight tickets. We gunned right for Chocolate Rain (Black Tuesday on cask with cocoa nibs and vanilla bean). The rest of the evening was great, as the line poured in, more and more people were having a blast and totally geeking out.
Before leaving, I felt a little guilt having so much fun, while there was still a long line. This morning, I pinged Patrick to find out how many frowny faces he dealt with last night. Here are the facts below.
- Black Tuesday Sold Out – 75 people in line were not able to purchase any.
- Society Memberships DID NOT sell out. Approx. 125 memberships were sold.
- There were no problems with the local police. They strolled by to see what was going on, but there were no issues.
- There is currently the next batch of Black Tuesday being fermented as we speak.
Make sure to watch our fun clip with a Smooth Criminal’d Out Patrick Rue!
December 5, 2009 @ 11:40 am
It is disrespectful to make a customer of yours -a beer drinker who is supporting you – wait in line for hours, who is willing to pay a ridiculous amount of money for your product and send them away empty handed.
There are plenty of alternatives to this beer.
October 28, 2009 @ 8:56 pm
Got mine! Crazy day. I stood outside for 3 hours in the cold before actually getting in.