21st Amendment Back In Black
From 21st Amendment – Back in Black is our newest year-round beer available now in six pack cans and on draft. Brewed like an American IPA but with the addition of rich, dark malts, this beer has all the flavor and hop character you expect with a smooth, mellow finish.
21st Amendment Brewing – 21st Amendment Back in Black – 12 oz. can poured into an Imperial pint glass. 6.8% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dark brown with a nice creamy khaki colored head.
Aroma: Roast and grassy hops.
Taste: Dark chocolaty roast, spicy grassy hops. Some black coffee. Finishes dry and bitter.
Mouthfeel: Thin with prickly fizzy carbonation.
Overall: Solid, seemed to be more a dry porter than a Black IPA. I’m beginning to think my palate is sensitive to roast to the point where I don’t pick up citrus in a black IPA, because most of the time, I’m not.
May 10, 2011 @ 2:37 pm
I thought the samething.It does taste like a Porter.Needs some aroma Hops to give it a Ipa taste. Didn’t like it.My porter is hoppier.I tried a Blk Ipa at Boonville, wow that was hoppy.